Stupidity is the quality or condition of being stupid, or lacking intelligence. This quality can be attributed to both an individual himself (e.g. John is stupid.) or his actions, words or beliefs (e.g., John's policies are stupid.). The term can thus also refer to poor use of judgement, or insensitivity to nuances in a person who is otherwise intelligent. The determination of who is stupid is relatively difficult, despite attempts to measure intelligence (and thus stupidity) such as IQ tests. The adjective is also used as a general pejorative. (e.g., I didn't borrow your stupid cap - go look for it yourself.)
1) The property of being stupid. I suppose you can put it down to gross stupidity, but that's not much of an excuse.
2) An act that is stupid. That stupidity cost me the job interview.
3) Obstinacy.
STEP TWO: Be Stubborn
Part of life is learning to deal with difficult people. Take the Know-It-All for example. Everyone who has friends, relatives or co-workers must learn to deal with this sort of menace from time to time. What follows are some ways to survive the dreaded Know-It-All.
Instructions on how to deal with a Stubborn Jackass
Step 1
Try not to become emotionally involved during your interactions with such people. Most Know-It-Alls feed off conflict. Therefore, a good way to derail them is to remain neutral throughout your conversation.
Adopt a laissez-faire attitude towards winning. Most Know-It-Alls gain their satisfaction from winning arguments. Such comments as "Whatever you say," or "You're right," will usually stop these annoying people in their tracks.
Keep your humor. One of the best weapons against difficult people is a good sense of humor. The next time a Know-It-All butts into your conversation, simply go along with them and have a good laugh at your expense. Once they realize that you won't be goaded into an argument, they'll promptly give up.
Ask them to cite their sources. Many times a Know-It-All will mask fact with fiction in order to make their opinions seem reasonable. Asking for references will give you a strong foothold on the validity of their claims.
Know your topic. If the Know-It-All is out to sabotage you, immerse yourself in the topic of debate. Be sure to have references to go along with your facts (See previous step).
Last But Certainly Not Least!!!
Avoid the Know-It-All at all costs. Sometimes the best way to deal with difficult people is to avoid them. Take the long way back to your desk, ignore their attempts at attention or simply say that you are too busy and cannot talk with them. Hopefully, they'll take the hint and go bother someone else.
The Final Step to Becoming a JACKASS!
Step 3
I would like to talk about 5 random signs your friends may have which, upon observation, classify those friends in many situations as being either narrow-minded or selfish, or both. I am writing this list as I am seeing an increasing trend of such stereotypical behaviors being promoted both online and offline. I am also including some general personal concepts of personal examples of how others see me in order to explain things more.
Even though all friends should be equal, sometimes some friends should be identified as having certain traits in order to not let such friends use the idea of friendship to take advantage of you. Realizing how and what kind of narrow-mindedness or selfishness your friend may have can help you figure out whether someone is doing it on consciously or unconsciously, even though the damage itself does not care about such things. That is why sometimes simply letting things go in a friendship can be good, and sometimes not letting things go in a friendship can be good. You have to realize answers to different things for each and every situation and friend.
Signs of narrow-minded, selfish friends
1. Friends who come close only when they are depressed
This type of friend comes close only when they are depressed. This also means that they do not interact with you even if you want to ask for some guidance or help. For such friends, your good qualities that they can use in order to become happy or happier or distracted, tend to be the only friendly aspect they wish to see in you.
Whether or not such friends realize their behavior, you can get used because of their narrow-mindedness. There is nothing wrong with being down and needing help, whether emotionally, mentally or physically. However, there is something seriously wrong with making sure that friends are only needed when you are depressed, and not appreciated on purpose when you are not depressed.
2. Friends who come close only when you agree with them
This type of friends wants everyone to agree with them. There cannot be disagreements or ignoring any topic, and if you disagree, you will be treated differently.
Handling such friends can be tricky, since handling friends overall is tricky enough by itself. How do you convince someone to still respect you and still act 100% when you disagree about something with them? Whether it is something related to business or a personal opinion about a personal issue, these friends wants everyone to agree with them. They will not show such a behavior easily, and anytime they accept disagreements or different options, they will brag about such a behavior. However, when they cannot control themselves anymore, they will hate you and not respect your friendship simply because you disagree about anything that they support, or vice versa.
3. Friends who go away when you try to pinpoint issues
This type of friends cannot hear any form of issues or problems with anything, even if such issues and problems may be affecting the friendship. Many of such friends love pointing issues themselves, but if you point them, they act weird.
Many times, two friends can be completely different. That is why if one is acting in a manner that is affect the other one negatively, it is better to bring up the issue somehow in order to address it. However, your friend might simply act distant or unresponsive if you bring up the issue even in the most respectful and light manner. If you try to bring an issue, they will become defensive or try to act rude by not focusing on the friendship aspect of things.
4. Friends who act stubborn and righteous all the time
These types of friend want to be right all the time. They are also opposed to realizing that some problem may be because of their own actions or thoughts. Many of such friends also love to point issues with others all the time, similar to the #4 type of friends above, while not accepting the fact that maybe they themselves may not be right about something.
Such supposed friends act immature many times by not actually acting like monkeys, but through their changed behavior regarding many things. This can be mainly because of being spoiled in many ways, and they do not realize it. They had rather tell others all the time what is wrong with others instead of realizing any problem in their own self.
5. Friends who hate some things about you unethically and let that hate affect their interaction with you. This can be one of the most complicated types of friends. You may have a friend who hates something about you unethically, like your race, background, your way of doing things, and because of that hate, such people will let the friendship be affected all the time, or whenever such friends feel moody.
How do we know when a friend discriminates? How do we know when a friend has racist bias against you? How do we know when a friend hates you for something like your background, your name, your gender, your sex, your job, or something else? Such questions can bother your mind when it comes to realizing why a friend is acting in a certain manner. Such questions plague me regularly when it comes to some friends I know.