So it is nearly time for Festival in the Pines...I should have known that the KKK would strike again....for those of you new to the blog I am not referring to those ridiculous raciest idiots wearing bed sheets! I am referring to my boyfriend of almost 4 years now ex girlfriend...who oddly enough looks a lot like the Caveman in picture on the left...fat with red frizzy hair...the only thing that would make the picture a complete match is if he was wearing a striped sweater in all seasons of the year...from -40 to 110 degree weather.
So here is the deal...I am a keep your friends close and your enemies closer kind of girl...so the KKK is added to my facebook friends so that I can ultimately keep an eye on her ridiculous ass. (note I think I am friends with a majority of the ex's)...anyway, this beast always finds a way to meddle with things and quite honestly piss me off! She has done anything and everything to try to come between me and my boyfriend and at this point has had no success! But I do give her credit for her never ending ways of trying to do so...just don't really care.
The KKK as I refer to her has a thing about posting pictures of when the two were dating...mind you this was over 5 years ago now...but who's counting right??? So last year she had posted a picture of the two of them together at his family's timeshare...I see today she has updated and included several more pictures from the same trip! Get the fuck over it already...are you serious that after 5 freakin years you haven't moved on! WTF!!!!
Move on with life...move away...do something with your dumb ass!
Anyway, I add this blog in the wake of Festival in the Pines....last year was a huge huge huge issue! She wanted Kettle Korn...(her name is Kelly~ie KKK)....and stupid spent his last few dollars on it for her...didn't care that I might want some or that he had never thought to buy me anything out of the blue just cause he knew I liked it...I was irate...(read previous blogs about KKK issues)...so the on going joke between the boyfriends family and myself is that there will be no Kettle Korn this year! And God help him if he does...