So it has come to my attention that I am a very very important person....oh and I better add that Jamey is also very important! And apparently it matters to other people who I talk to, hang out with (in this case it would be more along the lines of who I subject myself to), and what I do....If this is you...well, I am slightly concerned about why you care so much. Let me explain...
Continuation on "Cooties" blog...apparently Jamey talked to girlfriend #3...you know her as "KETTLECORN PEST"!! He felt the need to tell her that we were out with Ex wife this Saturday which pissed her off....Well anyone who knows Jay knows that he doesn't care what anyone else thinks .... so to add insult to injury he also told her that "we helped Ex wife move and that we hung out with Ex Girlfriend #2 this weekend and that Ex Girlfriend #2 and Tammy got along...even exchanged numbers"....lol! I was unaware of the conversation until just a few minutes ago when I signed on to Facebook and found her little status set as "#3 is glad she sticks by what she believes in when others crumble!" Seriously, why does she care if I talk to them...I talk to her too....So I imagine that now she won't talk to us for a long time...thank GOD! What a blessing in disguise! My evil plan is working...who knew!
1 comment:
When do we get to sign on as soap opera writers....lol
eye heart u,
Disclaimer: I have never dated or been married to Jamey.
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