Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Diaper Cakes are Harder than they Seem!

So let me start by telling you that my Brother and His Wife are insane. I say this in the most loving way that a sister can. Most of you will understand once I explain. I hope that you do anyway. is the deal, I am the baby of the family. That being said you should know that I have four brothers and four sisters. At least 1/2 of them have issues. Some that are bigger than others. This is just a regular issue and I say that based on how I feel. Now, even though I am the baby of the family I have the oldest grandchild. Gabe is 12...I am 31 and I had him when I was 19 which I would have to tell you is way too young!!!! Love him to death all my children to death...but I will be happy as hell when they graduate. When my youngest graduates I will be 43! Yay ME!!!! 43...still young enough to get out there and enjoy somethings!!!! Yay me!
This leads me to why my brother and his wife are insane. I understand that they were clever enough to wait to have children...that is all well and fine. My brother is currently 41....yup you heard me 41!!! Guess what they are expecting??? Child number 4!!! AGGGGHHH, can you even imagine....crazy! They have three girls currently, ages 9, 7, and 3! And now baby boy is due December 15Th! I guess they are getting their boy...
So because my sister in law is incredible insane she does not want to have a baby shower! So we are just giving her gifts for Turkey Day! This is why I made the Diaper cake...wish I had looked at pictures prior to making it but it is what it is...done complete and harder than I thought it would be!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

He is an Idiot thus he Doesn’t know he is an IDIOT!

So the pine car derby situation is still weighing heavy on my mind. I spoke with “Phenomenal” today about the situation. Told her what went down and she said I need to lay it out on the line and just say I would really like for you to help because we both know that Sperm Donor is not going to help. This is an issue for me and I don’t understand why but for some reason I just don’t have it in me to lay it out on the line with boyfriend.
So in between conversations with “Phenomenal” boyfriend called and wanted to know why my face book account said I was pissed. I said that I was irritated with myself for shitty decisions that I had made in the past. He wanted to know what and I told him for procreating with a piece of shit which has landed me in a situation where I have to do everything all by myself. HINT HINT! He babbled on and on about stuff I don’t care about and then followed up with well I thought you were pissed because of the pine car derby thing….I said I am pissed about that but it is what it is and I will take care of it by myself same as usual, goes back to the fabulous decisions I have made in my life that have led me to where I am in my life right now. He told me about how he just didn’t think it was a good idea for him to help because that was something special he did father son with his son…what if JP’s car placed better than his sons…blah blah blah….I said Whatever it is what it is I will figure it out or find someone to help me get it done. Then he paused and followed that with “well when is it suppose to be done by” I said January, I said but I know me I am a procrastinator and I will leave it til the last minute then JP will have the shittiest car out there, so I will figure it out now or find someone to help me get it done….then he starts babbling about how I should get the weights for the car like I did for his son last year and he could take the block of wood to the shop and shape it…WTF….seriously WTF! At this point I don’t even care if that F’ing block of wood looks like a rock and doesn’t roll, I really feel like telling him to forget it, if it is so agonizing for him to help someone other than himself or his own children don’t worry about it I will take care of it myself and find someone to help me with it. “Phenomenal’s” boyfriend apparently loves derby car building maybe I can get him to help me….there has to be another way. I refuse to be dependent on anyone especially if I am never going to hear the end of how fabulous the person is who helped with it….one thing if I want to brag about how phenomenal the person is who help JP….agghhh men!
Anyway, Phenomenal told me that I need to lay it out on the line, not pussyfoot around and let him have it like I was talking to her because I don’t pussy foot around with anyone else. But to leave out the dork and IDIOT parts that I usually share with her. She told me that Boyfriend will help and I should let him...let him bring it up and when he says something just say "yea, that would be great if you could help"
When I asked her if I could say “Why do you have to be such an IDIOT?” she didn’t think that would work either…in fact she gave me the headline for this blog:
And so there you go, he is an idiot! I am feeling slightly better about all this however still contemplating figuring out how to do it without him! Suggestions appreciated.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Case of the Woozies!

While I am not quite sure what this picture has to do with woozy I can honestly say that I am not certain if Woozy is technically a word.
The reason I bring up the word is because this morning in a conversation with my phenomenal friend she told me that she didn't get in her OT this weekend cause she had been feeling a little WOOZY...I thought this is a funny funny word and giggled a little about this. So woozy is as woozy does Jules...and may you not feel WOOZY this week!
I was able to find this description which was funny:
The Woozy is a creature from the Wizard of Oz book series, first appearing in The Patchwork Girl of Oz.
He looks a bit like a square-cornered dog, but is made of flesh, not wood. He is unusually proud of the lone 3 hairs at the tip of his tail, and loves to eat honeybees. His eyes flash fiery sparks when he is angry; saying "Krizzle-kroo!" to him is guaranteed to get a few sparks.
A description of the Woozy, from Patchwork Girl of Oz:
"The creature was all squares and flat surfaces and edges. Its head was an exact square, like one of the building-blocks a child plays with; therefore it had no ears, but heard sounds through two openings in the upper corners. Its nose, being in the center of a square surface, was flat, while the mouth was formed by the opening of the lower edge of the block. The body of the Woozy was much larger than its head, but was likewise block-shaped--being twice as long as it was wide and high. The tail was square and stubby and perfectly straight, and the four legs were made in the same way, each being four-sided. The animal was covered with a thick, smooth skin and had no hair at all except at the extreme end of its tail, where there grew exactly three stiff, stubby hairs. The beast was dark blue in color and his face was not fierce nor ferocious in expression, but rather good-humored and droll."

Pinecar Derby!!

Boy Scouts are going to be the death of me. Possibly girl scouts and boy scouts together. Between fund raisers and trying to remember which day is which and who had to be where...thank God we passed on Hockey!
Anyway, this is not the point of the blog. Here is the deal....I signed JP up for boy scouts...I know his idiot father is of no use for this and I will be the responsible party for getting him to and from boy scouts and helping him participate in events...blah blah!!! Here is the problem that I am having...the pine car derby is coming up in January. I want you all to know that the last two years the boyfriends youngest was in boy scouts...I bought the decals and weights and whatever to make the car super duper and fast...boyfriend made the car and kid put the stickers on it. He is no longer in boy scouts. Now that I have JP in boy scouts I asked if boyfriend could help me make JP's car...he says well you know JP is suppose to build it...I told him whatever don't give me that crap you built your boys the last two years....he tells me well you know you should tell the sperm donor to build the car with him....ladies and gentlemen do you honestly think the sperm donor will be of any use with this project...give me a fucking break. I said whatever, I signed him up, it is my job to help him with his car, if you don't want to help me I will figure it out my damn self, just say you don't want to help....WTF!!! All the things that I do for him and his boys and he can't help my son build a fucking PINE CAR for the damn DERBY. OMG, I just want to punch him. He is damn lucky he isn't here cause I am PISSED. What a fucking jerk....If any of you think it is too much to ask of him please let me know so that I can bring myself back to earth.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Acne ... Again?

Just when you thought your "bad skin" days were over, adult acne strikes..
It's not fair. Just when you've successfully navigated the ravages of adolescence on your skin, you wake up and find acne. What can you do?
I don't know about everyone else but I have to tell you I had pretty perfect skin as a teenager...maybe a life ending pimple here and there....but OMG, what is going on now! I am in the end of the 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday...where in the hell is this coming have got to be freakin kidding me!
Nearest I can figure is this is some queer punishment for being phenomially gorgeous! Thank God for AVON products...if you too are suffering let me know...I know just the products to take it me I have used everything!

Phenominal Friend Finally Gives In!

Finally after much prodding we have given up on the Mail Order Bride Idiot! I say this with great relief and joy. Although I am completely utterly grateful that the moron went with the mail order bride, it was a long and painful situation to go thru.
So now we are on to bigger and better prospects! Yay Jeff, whom I would like to tell you has had my vote for a very long time. Yay Jules for realizing more and better!
Thanks Jeff for hanging in thru the tough times and PS by the way she is definitely worth the patience and waiting. She is phenomenal and she deserves to be treated like that!
Now, that being said, don't think for a second that if things change I won't lite Jeff on fire! That's what BFF's are for! Yay JULES!!!!

I am addicted!

So, I am absolutely uncontrollably addicted to freebies. This is a new thing for have no idea how addicted you can become...
It started about two weeks ago when I was tuning in to M&J in the morning on channel 5 (ABC I believe). They opened by telling of a segment that they were going to do about a mom who got all these a week prior I tuned in and listened about coupon shopping. I am a horrible coupon shopper, not to mention I never have been able to find coupons that I for real need the product. But free hmmm I could give this a shot. So I tuned in and was dumb founded by all the free stuff this lady was would never imagine all the items. So I promptly wrote down the web address for future research.
Later that day after work I decided to investigate. OMG!!!! There is free stuff for the last two weeks I have been signing up for free stuff non stop! Shampoo, cookies, fabric softener, detergent, cleaners, bags, pens, tampons and pads oh my!!! I have thus far received dog food and treats, Charmin toilet paper dispensers, cookies, coffee, shampoo, perfume...some quit smoking stuff for the boyfriend!...and there is more to come. I am for sure sharing the GOOD freebie websites with you on my blog.
Also, side note, I found coupon websites and decided to try them out just to see if there was anything that was worth friends you should know I printed out about 15 coupons on my printer, went to all items that I would use cleaners, hair accessories, dog food, cat food, cookie mixes...and others for $7.00! Amazing! Thank you Heather ~Freebies4Mom blogger!