So let me start by telling you that my Brother and His Wife are insane. I say this in the most loving way that a sister can. Most of you will understand once I explain. I hope that you do anyway.
K...here is the deal, I am the baby of the family. That being said you should know that I have four brothers and four sisters. At least 1/2 of them have issues. Some that are bigger than others. This is just a regular issue and I say that based on how I feel. Now, even though I am the baby of the family I have the oldest grandchild. Gabe is 12...I am 31 and I had him when I was 19 which I would have to tell you is way too young!!!! Love him to death though....love all my children to death...but I will be happy as hell when they graduate. When my youngest graduates I will be 43! Yay ME!!!! 43...still young enough to get out there and enjoy somethings!!!! Yay me!
This leads me to why my brother and his wife are insane. I understand that they were clever enough to wait to have children...that is all well and fine. My brother is currently 41....yup you heard me 41!!! Guess what they are expecting??? Child number 4!!! AGGGGHHH, can you even imagine....crazy! They have three girls currently, ages 9, 7, and 3! And now baby boy is due December 15Th! I guess they are getting their boy...
So because my sister in law is incredible insane she does not want to have a baby shower! So we are just giving her gifts for Turkey Day! This is why I made the Diaper cake...wish I had looked at pictures prior to making it but it is what it is...done complete and harder than I thought it would be!
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