So, it's Exchange Kids with the Sperm Donor Friday...lucky me. There is a ritual that starts in my house approximately 15-20 minutes after I pick up my children from the Sperm Donor on his weekend....I begins shortly after they move from his vehicle to mine on that Sunday. Generally it goes something like this...So how was your weekend did you do anything fun?...this is followed up with whatever they did or didn't do with the Sperm Donor and his Mail Order Bride. Most times it ends in man I wish we didn't have to go next time or something along those lines. I try not to ask too many questions and honestly this is to protect my own self because I don't want to hear the bad stuff that I can't protect them from.
For those of you who don't know since day one of our separation even Kaylee and Jonathan have not wanted to go with Sperm Donor...this has evolved now to include Gabriel. All three are now contemplating things that they can do or become involved in that will decrease any visitation time spent with him. Gabriel has even decided that even though he didn't really care for sports camp that he would rather go to that then have to go to his dads. Not a suggestion on my part. The girl has decided that hockey, 4-H, Girl Scouts and possibly Ski Sprites are great things to do to avoid the house of torture....Jonathan is determined to be a boyscout and well would pretty much do anything else if it meant not going to dads....what should I do?
The past few weeks in particular have been filled with stories of being forced to stay at the table until everything is gone from their plates not matter what it is, no snacks during the day, no drinks unless it is meal time, Sperm Donor and Foreigner eating candy in front of the kids but not sharing ever, baths still given by the Foreigner, not being allowed to call home, all Daddy does is smoke and drink...countless stories about Beer and their Dad....the list goes on...so here I sit with all this info and nothing I can do about it....Court on October 2nd.
Which leads to this blog...Kid exchange was as usual in Baldwin at 630...kids picked up by Foreigner. Approximately 2 hours after the exchange I get a call from the girl...I find this peculiar because they have been denied the right to call before??? Anyway, girl is upset, she is crying she is homesick, she misses me and wants to come home...she says she doesn't feel good her tummy hurts...I am heart sick...I remember being homesick, for those of you who don't know I couldn't spend the nite at even a relatives house without getting homesick until I was a teenager. I remember!!! And here is my baby girl crying and physically sick because she doesn't want to be with her own father and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Sperm Donor being the dickhead that he is would never allow for her to come home, I can't make him, I can't do anything for her except assure her that it is not my decision and she says she know that.
I just don't understand why parents are this way. You should never make a child come to see you. If they don't want to come that should be their choice. I do not sit and tell my kids all kinds of bad shit about their father to make them not want to go. I know this does happen in other cases but this is not the case here. The just don't want to go. The law sucks, kids don't have any rights basically to chose who they want to be with or when or anything else. In Eau Claire in particular they have the man with little man syndrome who sits high and mighty behind his little desk with a gavel and the authority to make every ones life miserable all because he has a penis between his legs and thinks that men get the short end of the stick when it comes to placement of children. I am not saying that men shouldn't get custody or good visitation of there children but there are some circumstances in which one parent simply is not a good fit for the children at that particular time or forever and instead of just auto adjudicating every app for custody with Joint maybe we need to be taking a closer look at each situation.
Point being the system sucks and I would still like to meet Lady and the Tramp in a Dark Alley with a baseball bat.
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