So, what started out as a great extended weekend went Arie on Sunday. Friday was spent running a few last minute errands for the pre-1st day of school. Saturday was just kind of a lazy day...don't think we really did all too much but that was kind of nice as this summer has been kind of hectic with lots of kids all summer long and summer school and sports camps you name it, it probably happened for us. Sunday is the great day that I must tell you about. Sunday was a joke. See, some how during the middle of last week I got roped into working Sunday to test out the new system for work. It started something like this: supervisor "Hey we have some overtime...you want it"....me (and a few other unsuspecting soles) "ah yeah!"...supervisor "well you have to work in the office" me "agghhh"...but I needed the OT so OK...well then we were told it would be for 4 hours starting around 11am...that was followed by a few teleconferences telling us it could be earlier, it could be later, it could be short, it could be longer, it could be in Cyndi's office....oh who knows but call in every 15 minutes for an hour and a half prior to whatever the latest start time is that you know of cause it could change. Now we were going in to help test out the new system that the company was massly switching to all in one weekend. Making sure all info went over...After a painful morning of waiting and waiting some more, the start time went from 2:03pm to finally 6pm...got there, waited....waited some more...and then waited again....finally got log ins....found out that I was literally there to test 2 things, which took me all of maybe 20 minutes, much of that time was the explanation on what exactly I was looking for...reviewing a report that was really meant for IT, not me!!, some pizza, a few candies and a couple of sodas, and ta DA!! 4 and 1/2 hours of Sunday pay for 20 minutes of work later and I was on my way home, tired, disappointed, sun burnt (*from the pre work time excursion to the park for the big boys to play football so I could spend the rest of my long weekend listening to how sore the babies in my house were) and convinced that this migration was a great big joke!

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